June 14, 2019

BC Texture Pack Manager

Hello Critters!
Today I'm going to show you another great tool that can extend your enjoyment of Box Critters. The tool I am talking about is called Box Critters Texture Pack Manager, and it is pretty neat. Unlike Critters+, Box Critters Texture Pack Manager doesn't require you to download Tampermonkey, as it is an extension/add-on for Chrome and Firefox.

What does it do?
BC Texture Pack Manager allows you to change the sprites of Box Critters, like the room backgrounds and the Hamster.
How to install
Go to the Chrome Webstore and search for "Box Critters Texture Pack Manager".
Click "Add to Chrome" and it will install to your browser.
Go to the Firefox Add-ons-market and search for "BC Texture Pack Manager".
Select BC Texture Pack Manager and click install, and it will get installed to your browser.
How to add texturepacks
To add a texturepack, go to the Box Critters Modding Community and select Texture Packs.
Now select a texture pack you want.
Now copy the installation-code you find here
Open BC Texture Pack Manager and click Add
Put the code into the box and click Install
Now you can select it and enable it
And it works! Nice. :D

Thanks for reading, hope you found this mod interesting.

Outer Space

Sorry for not posting in two months, but there is really not many news in Box Critters recently, excluding the new Star Ship Bridge and the lizard-monsters Zolt, Zerg and Zork.

All images are either taken by me or Rocketsnail, unless stated otherwise.
Reuse allowed if credited.